BioRestore Complete Reviews: Real Customer Reviews

BioRestore Complete is a concentrated serum designed to nourish, support, and hydrate the skin to remove dark spots.

Featuring a blend of green tea, aloe leaf extract, vitamin C, and natural antioxidants, BioRestore Complete is designed to be the ultimate anti-aging skin serum and dark spot removal solution.

Does BioRestore Complete live up to the hype? How does BioRestore Complete work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about BioRestore Complete today in our review.

What is BioRestore Complete?

BioRestore Complete is an anti-aging skin serum available exclusively through

Made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility, BioRestore Complete uses 100% natural ingredients to achieve targeted anti-aging effects.

BioRestore Complete was developed to get rid of dark spots, protect against harmful radiation, and erase signs of damage and aging from your face. The supplement is particularly marketed towards anyone concerned about dark spots, and many use the serum specifically for natural dark spot removal and treatment.

To achieve these effects, BioRestore Complete uses a blend of ingredients to deeply nourish your skin, support overall skin health, and hydrate.

BioRestore Complete Benefits

BioRestore Complete is designed to provide the following benefits:

  • Eliminate the root cause of dark spots
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Wipe decades off your face in a few weeks
  • Nourish, support, and hydrate the skin
  • Reverse wrinkles, saggy skin, and other visible effects of aging
  • Brighten skin and remove dark spots anywhere on your face and body

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How Does BioRestore Complete Work?

BioRestore Complete works using a Taiwanese skin care serum. The formula was developed using a blend of tea extracts, natural antioxidants, vitamin C, and other ingredients.

BioRestore Complete Reviews Real Customer Reviews

By applying the serum to your face nightly after your normal cleaning, you can purportedly take “decades” off your face in just a few weeks. The formula also claims to eliminate the root cause of dark spots, nourish and hydrate the skin, and reverse wrinkles, among other benefits.

The makers of BioRestore Complete developed the formula specifically to combat the root cause of dark spots: a strange light phenomenon that occurs every day around 2pm. Every day at 2pm, your skin is exposed to a trigger causing dark spots. Some people can naturally fight off this trigger, while others develop dark spots because of the trigger.

By applying BioRestore Complete nightly, you can protect your skin against the effects of aging while enjoying an all-natural dark spot removal solution.

Dark Spots and Wrinkles Aren’t Caused by Age

Typically, your skin develops wrinkles with age. It’s a natural part of getting older.

However, according to the makers of BioRestore Complete, aging isn’t exclusively responsible for dark spots and wrinkles; instead, dark spots are caused by “a weird light phenomenon that happens every day at 2pm if you live in the USA, Canada, the UK, or anywhere in western Europe.”

People develop dark spots at any age. Some teenagers develop dark spots, for example, which is why dark spots aren’t exclusively caused by aging.

Scientists discovered the “weird light phenomenon” only recently. The phenomenon causes dark spots all over your body, and those dark spots can quickly spread into a larger and more visible problem.

BioRestore Complete Ingredients

BioRestore Complete contains a blend of 100% natural ingredients – from green tea to aloe to hyaluronic acid. Each ingredient was handpicked to help defend your skin in a different way.

Here are all of the ingredients in BioRestore Complete and how they work:

Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid is a special molecule capable of holding over 1,000 times its weight in moisture. By applying hyaluronic acid to your skin daily, you can increase its ability to retain moisture, which can help you look younger and facilitate skin repair.

Aloe Vera Leaf Extract: Used by Cleopatra, aloe vera leaf extract has a long history of use in traditional medicine and skincare remedies. Aloe works with hyaluronic acid to increase the moisture of your skin. In recent clinical trials, researchers have found aloe can help prevent skin damage and heal skin wounds.

Sencha: Sencha, also known as green tea extract, is found in many natural skincare formulas. Green tea is rich with natural antioxidants like catechins, including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Studies show this ingredient can help with inflammation throughout the body – including in and round your skin.

Witch Hazel: Witch hazel is rich with tannins that create an active barrier, protecting your skin from incoming radiation.

Horsetail Extract: Described as a “living dinosaur” by Cameron and his team, BioRestore Complete can purportedly help with oxidation by unclogging your skin.

Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is chemically similar to the sebum in your skin, which is why many moisturizers contain jojoba oil. A 2018 study found jojoba had anti-inflammatory effects and skin barrier repair functions when applied topically.

Gotu Kola: Prized in Ayurveda for centuries, gotu kola is native to certain parts of the Himalaya Mountains. Today, many skincare serums contain gotu kola for its natural antioxidants, which could help protect your skin.

Sage: Sage has a long history of use in traditional medicine and aromatherapy. Like other ingredients in BioRestore Complete, sage is rich with natural antioxidants to support your skin’s appearance from the outside in.

Vitamins C & E: Vitamins C and E are two of the best antioxidants in nature. Fruits are rich with vitamin C, while seeds are rich with vitamin E. By taking these vitamins in food or supplement form, you could support your skin’s firmness and smoothness while defending against oxidation. Multiple studies have validated the use of vitamins C and E for skin health.

Hops: BioRestore Complete contains a special type of hops to erase oxidation in your skin, helping your body remove oxidation. Hops is also rich with natural antioxidants – similar to the sencha and green tea in the formula.

Rosemary: Rosemary “creates a barrier” between your skin and blue radiation, according to Cameron and his team.

Lemon Peel: Lemon peel can help provide the ultimate protection against future skin oxidation. After the other ingredients cleanse oxidation, freckles, and dark spots from your skin, you can enjoy 24/7 protection with lemon peel.

Scots Pine: Scots pine can “fill in wrinkles” and tighten skin, among other benefits, helping you enjoy long-term anti-aging effects.

Graveolens: Graveolens is one of the most important ingredients in BioRestore Complete. It kickstarts the repair process by penetrating the epidermis, repairing your skin from the outside in. A 2010 study found graveolens was rich with flavonoids, phenolic acids, and steroids linked to skin health – including anti-aging effects.

Overall, the makers of BioRestore Complete selected these ingredients to support healthy and glowing skin. Some are backed by decades of research, while others have centuries of use in traditional medicine and skincare remedies.

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Who Created BioRestore Complete?

BioRestore Complete was developed by a 47-year old man named Cameron Walker.

Over the last decade, Cameron has worked as a chemistry professor at one of America’s most prestigious universities. To protect his identity, Cameron does not disclose the name of the university.

Cameron’s students have gone on to patent some of the greatest chemistry discoveries of the modern era, including treatments for psoriasis, dermatitis, and alopecia.

Cameron loves his job, but he loves his wife Lyanna more. Lyanna always took good care of herself over the years.

A few years ago, however, Lyanna started to develop dark spots on her face. She tried using serums, face masks, gels, creams, and sprays. She wore foundation and concealer. Nothing seemed to work. eventually, Lyanna was performing a 15-step morning and evening routine to treat her dark spots, freckles, and moles.

Cameron wanted to help Lyanna, so he started researching natural treatments for dark spots. His research led him to develop BioRestore Complete.

Dark Spots Are Caused by Blue Light Radiation from Your Phone

Cameron discovered the root cause of dark spots was blue radiation from your devices. All day long, we sit and stare at screens. These screens emit radiation – including blue light radiation. As this radiation impacts your skin, it creates visible effects of aging – including dark spots and wrinkles.

Our skin has evolved to fight off attackers. That’s why the epidermis does a good job of protecting the skin.

A century ago, nobody complained about dark spots. Today, our skin hasn’t caught up to technological advances. It hasn’t evolved to fight off the effects of blue light radiation. Instead, we’re bombarded by this blue light radiation every day – and it’s affecting our skin and our health.

Here’s how Cameron describes the connection between blue light radiation, moles, dark spots, and wrinkles:

“…the blue radiation from these devices is constantly peeling back the protective layers of keratin, leaving your skin ripe for oxidation.”

According to Cameron, this is also the reason many teens are showing signs of premature aging. They spend all day on their phones and in front of screens, and this blue light radiation causes premature aging.

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Your Skin is Made from Three Protective Layers

Your skin is the body’s largest organ. It’s the first line of defense against many problems.

To protect your body, the skin uses three defensive layers, including:

Layer 1: Epidermis: Described as “the peel” of the skin by Cameron, the epidermis protects your skin from many threats. It protects against oxidation, for example, which is why we don’t become irradiated when we walk outside under the sun. The epidermis also makes new skin and provides the color to your skin.

Layer 2: Dermis: The dermis has collagen and elastin, and it makes up 90% of your skin’s thickness. Elastin makes your skin strong, resilient, and flexible. The dermis also produces sweat, makes oil, and supplies blood. Plus, it’s filled with nerve endings, giving you the physical sensation of touch.

Layer 3: Hypodermis: The hypodermis is the bottom layer of the skin. It’s made up mostly of fat and connective tissue. Your hypodermis protects your muscles and bones. It also helps the nerves and blood vessels, regulates body temperature, and prevents you from getting too hot or cold.

BioRestore Complete primarily targets the first layer of the skin: the epidermis. Over time, blue light has degraded your epidermis to increase the appearance of dark spots. BioRestore Complete supports your epidermis to reverse this effect.

BioRestore Complete is Based on a Taiwanese Remedy

Cameron Walker is credited with inventing BioRestore Complete. However, he based the remedy on a Taiwanese remedy recommended by a colleague at his university.

His colleague, Kuan-lin, had an 80-year old grandmother in Taiwan who didn’t look a day over 40. Every day, before working in the fields, she would apply a special remedy to her skin to protect from sun damage. Today, decades later, her skin continues to look great because of this remedy.

Cameron heard about this remedy, tested the ingredients from Taiwan, and experimented with different concentrations. After six months and countless sleepless nights of research, Cameron and his team had created the ultimate anti-aging serum and dark spot removal product: BioRestore Complete.

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What to Expect After Applying BioRestore Complete

The first person to try BioRestore Complete was Cameron Walker’s wife, Lyanna. Lyanna had dealt with severe dark spot, freckle, and mole problems across her face and skin. She was embarrassed to go out.

After applying BioRestore Complete for the first time, here’s what happened to Lyanna’s skin:

  • Lyanna applied a few drops in the morning and a few more drops in the evening.
  • Lyanna quickly started to see visible changes. It started with a spark in her cheekbones. Then, her skin got fuller and more flexible.
  • Little by little, “all her dark spots disappeared, as if they were never even there to begin with,” according to Cameron.
  • Lyanna applied the serum to the rest of the body, removing dark spots from her neck, chest, and hands.
  • Lyanna regained her self-esteem and confidence, and she was happier with herself for the first time in years.
  • Lyanna threw away all her remedies, serums, lotions, and gels in her 15-step skincare routine. Today, she only uses BioRestore Complete.

Motivated by Lyanna’s dramatic improvement in skin appearance, Cameron decided to share the formula with the world in the form of BioRestore Complete.

BioRestore Complete Uses a 4-Step Process Called the PURE Program

The secret to BioRestore Complete’s success is a 4-step process called the PURE program, or:

Step 1) Prep: The first step is to prepare the skin to soak up nutrients and begin reversing the effects of oxidation, or dark spots. To do that, BioRestore Complete contains a “velvety plant” called graveolens. It’s been used since ancient times to calm the skin. Your skin is under constant attack from blue radiation, and the graveolens in BioRestore Complete can help defend your skin, leaving your skin velvety smooth. BioRestore Complete also contains hyaluronic acid to further prepare the skin. Hyaluronic acid absorbs many times its weight in moisture, helping your skin get hydrated.

Step 2) Unclog: Next, BioRestore Complete claims to unclog your skin and remove the first layer of oxidation. You have dark spots, moles, and freckles because of oxidation in your skin. In this step, BioRestore Complete unclogs your skin to slow down oxidation. To do that, BioRestore Complete contains sencha, a Taiwanese green tea-like extract filled with antioxidants. According to Cameron and his team, the sencha in BioRestore Complete has “powerful skin rejuvenating properties.”

Step 3) Rehydrate: Next, BioRestore Complete aims to rehydrate your skin to make sure oxidation doesn’t occur again. To do that, BioRestore Complete contains a blend of jojoba oil and other natural ingredients. Jojoba oil is chemically similar to the natural sebum in your skin. The formula also contains gotu kola, which “triples” the hydrating power of jojoba oil, giving your skin all the moisture it needs to prevent oxidation. Rounding out this step are sage and vitamin C, which continue to help rehydrate your skin.

Step 4) Erase: For the final step, BioRestore Complete aims to erase all traces of skin oxidation while creating a 24/7 shield against blue radiation. To achieve this effect, BioRestore Complete contains a blend of hops and vitamin E. Hops have “strong cleansing properties” via their natural antioxidants, helping them penetrate deep layers of your skin to wash away oxidation. This step can also even out redness and balance your skin tone.

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BioRestore Complete Clinical Trial

Cameron and his colleagues launched a clinical trial on BioRestore Complete. They gathered a group of volunteers with visible skin issues, then treated the issues with BioRestore Complete.

Here’s how the trial worked:

  • The group included 47 women with a range of skin issues – from light spotting to the most severe cases of skin oxidation.
  • 100% of volunteers reported “dramatic changes in the appearance of their skin and complexion” after applying BioRestore Complete.
  • Many volunteers were virtually unrecognizable after applying the serum because their appearance had changed so much. Instead of having faces covered in freckles, moles, wrinkles, and dark spots, they had clear complexions because of BioRestore Complete.
  • 100% of participants had “clear glass skin.”
  • All women reduced the appearance of wrinkles, improved skin firmness, and experienced other dramatic anti-aging benefits.

After the successful trial, Cameron decided to partner with a US-based supplement company to share BioRestore Complete with the world.

BioRestore Complete Reviews: What Do Customers Say?BioRestore Complete Reviews: Real Customer Reviews

The BioRestore Complete website is filled with testimonials, before-and-after images, and reviews from verified purchasers. Many women claim to have noticeably and significantly transformed their skin within weeks – or even days – of applying BioRestore Complete for the first time.

Here are some of the reviews shared by customers on the official website:

A 45-year old woman from Florida claims BioRestore Complete is “the only thing that worked on [her] dark spots and ugly acne scars.” She used to cover her face with tons of foundation and concealer just to go to the store. Thanks to BioRestore Complete, all of that is gone. There are no traces of dark spots or deep scars.

One woman’s face, neck, and chest were covered with dark spots and visible signs of aging. That 47-year old woman had sensitive skin for her entire life and was skeptical BioRestore Complete would work. After applying the serum, she feels like she has a “completely new complexion.” She also feels a complete difference in the firmness of her neck and chest.

One woman claims BioRestore Complete “legit transformed” her skin. Before applying the serum, she had moderate to severe hormonal combination skin acne, and none of the serums worked. After applying the serum, her skin went from dry and flaky to silky smooth. She also noticed the serum caused her wrinkles to fade and completely disappear.

Multiple women are impressed with how quickly BioRestore Complete works. One woman claims her skin looked brighter the morning after she applied the serum for the first time.

Overall, BioRestore Complete has 17,370+ reviews and an average rating of 4.7 stars out of 5, which makes it one of the world’s bestselling and best-rated skincare serums.

BioRestore Complete Reviews Real Customer Reviews

BioRestore Complete Ingredients Label

Cameron and his team disclose the full list of ingredients upfront. Here are all of the ingredients in BioRestore Complete, in descending order of concentration:

Water, organic green tea, glycerin, propylene glycol, aloe leaf extract, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, hops, rosemary leaf extract, witch hazel leaf extract, sage leaf extract, horsetail extract, lemon peel extract, gotu kola extract, Scots pine bud extract, hyaluronic acid, pelargonium graveolens oil, vitamin E, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), jojoba seed oil, carbomer, triethanolamine, phenoxyethanol, caprylyl glycol, potassium sorbate, and hexylene glycol

According to Cameron, “all of the ingredients are 100% organic,” which is something we don’t typically see with skincare serums. It’s hard to find organic sources of certain ingredients in BioRestore Complete – like jojoba seed oil, hops, Scots pine, and witch hazel. However, Cameron claims every single ingredient in the formula is organic.

BioRestore Complete Reviews Real Customer Reviews

BioRestore Complete Pricing

BioRestore Complete is priced at $69 per bottle as part of a 2023 promotion. The ordinary retail price is $99 per bottle. Certain purchases qualify for reduced pricing, bonus eBooks, free shipping, and other perks.

Here’s how much you pay when ordering BioRestore Complete online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + Free Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free eBooks
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free eBooks

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Each bottle contains a 30 day supply of BioRestore Complete, or 30 servings. You apply one full dropper of the formula to your skin daily to fight dark spots.

Bonuses Included with BioRestore Complete

As part of a 2023 promotion, the makers of BioRestore Complete are bundling two free bonus eBooks with all 3 and 6 bottle purchases of the supplement. These bonus eBooks complement the effects of BioRestore Complete. By applying the BioRestore Complete serum daily and implementing the tips in these eBooks, you can achieve dramatic effects against the visible signs of aging.

Bonus eBooks include:

Free Bonus eBook #1: Asia’s Best-Kept Skincare Secrets: Top 10 Skin-Saving Rituals & Potions to Make You Look 10 Years Younger: This eBook features proven Asian methods for a better skin and glowing complexion. You can discover 3 face massage techniques K-pop stars use to look young, for example, along with a special protein you may already have in your fridge to tighten your skin starting today.

Free Bonus eBook #2: Get a Hollywood-Ready Body in 21 Days: This eBook is designed to help you lose weight. Featuring advice from Hollywood nutritionists, this eBook has a collection of tips you can implement today to get ready for the red carpet – even if you’re not a celebrity. According to the author, the eBook is the “Holy Grail of weight loss” and can help anyone achieve their dream body. You can discover 3 pieces of clothing to wear to look slimmer, the one spice to avoid to lose weight, and other tips.

Boost your wellness journey with BioRestore Complete and exclusive bonuses. Order today!

BioRestore Complete Refund Policy

BioRestore Complete has a 60 day moneyback guarantee.

If BioRestore Complete doesn’t fix your dark spots, skin oxidation, moles, freckles, or other visible skin issues, then you are entitled to a complete refund within 60 days of your purchase.

About BioRestore Complete

BioRestore Complete is made in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility. The formula was developed by a 47-year old chemistry professor named Cameron Walker. Cameron partnered with colleagues at the university to develop the formula.

You can contact the makers of BioRestore Complete via the following:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 1-800-390-6035
  • Registered Address: 19655 E 35th Dr, Suite 100, Aurora, CO 80011, USA

Final Word

BioRestore Complete is an anti-aging skin serum designed to help with dark spots, freckles, moles, wrinkles, and other visible effects of aging.

Featuring a blend of natural ingredients, BioRestore Complete provides your skin with antioxidants to fix the root cause of dark spots. Dark spots are not a natural part of aging – you can quickly remove dark spots by applying BioRestore Complete daily.

To learn more about BioRestore Complete and how it works, or to buy the serum online today, visit the official website.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.