The Menopausal Switch Reviews

The Menopausal Switch is a digital program marketed to women who want to control symptoms of menopause.

The Menopausal Switch Reviews


Created by weight loss coach Deborah Murtagh, The Menopausal Switch can purportedly help reduce inflammation, detox your body, eliminate hot flashes and brain fog, give you more energy, improve your sleep, and lose weight in just 21 days.

Does The Menopausal Switch really work? Can you control symptoms of menopause by following the advice in The Menopausal Switch? Find out everything you need to know about this program and how it works today.

What is The Menopausal Switch?

The Menopausal Switch is a package of eBooks, videos, and other digital products sold online through

The program was created by Deborah Murtagh, a weight loss coach who has struggled with symptoms of menopause since her early 40s. She developed natural strategies to help control her symptoms of menopause. Now, she wants to share those strategies with the world through The Menopausal Switch.

By following the lessons in The Menopausal Switch, you can purportedly help reduce symptoms of menopause. The program claims to help reduce inflammation, detoxify your body, eliminate hot flashes and brain fog, and give you more energy, among other benefits.

The primary goal of The Menopausal Switch is to teach women how to lose weight. To do that, Deborah recommends a keto diet. By following a keto diet, women can purportedly balance hormones, lose weight, and enjoy other benefits.

Menopause is complicated. It activates huge changes in a woman’s body. When people think about menopause, they think about hot flashes and women in their 50s. However, symptoms of menopause can occur much earlier. Deborah wants to help by sharing her secrets with the world through The Menopausal Switch.


The Menopausal Switch Reviews

How Does The Menopausal Switch Work?

The Menopausal Switch is based on the idea that women can activate a “menopausal switch” within their bodies to control certain symptoms of menopause.

As you get older, your body’s ability to activate this switch weakens, leading to noticeable symptoms of menopause. You might notice hot flashes, sexual dysfunction, brain fog, low energy, and other issues. These are natural parts of getting older.

By learning to target your menopausal switch, you can purportedly avoid these symptoms.

Much of Deborah’s advice focuses on beating menopausal weight gain. Many women gain weight when going through menopause. Your body processes weight differently, and your metabolism slows as you get older. Hormonal balances can increase this weight gain even further.

By understanding your menopausal weight gain, you can learn to control it. In The Menopausal Switch, Deborah teaches you actionable strategies for controlling your weight gain, managing your menopause, and ensuring you continue to live a happy and healthy life.

According to, The Menopausal Switch program has helped over 40,000 women manage symptoms of menopause.

The Menopausal Switch Reviews

What to Expect from The Menopausal Switch

Deborah claims The Menopausal Switch can lead to a range of health and wellness benefits.

By following the protocols recommended in The Menopausal Switch, you can purportedly help support all of the following benefits:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Detoxify your body
  • Eliminate hot flashes
  • Eliminate brain fog
  • Get more energy
  • Improve your sleep
  • Drop a dress size in 21 days

By following the recommended treatment program, you can purportedly enjoy significant and noticeable benefits within a short period of time. Just follow Deborah’s proven system, then enjoy relief from symptoms of menopause.

The Menopausal Switch Reviews

What Will You Learn in The Menopausal Switch?

The Menopausal Switch gives you all of the tools, tips, and strategies Deborah uses to manage her symptoms of menopause.

Some of the things you’ll learn in The Menopausal Switch include:

  • Simple strategies you can implement today for menopause relief
  • Foods, ingredients, and meals to eat to avoid symptoms of menopause
  • Deborah’s complete holistic nutrition plan for managing symptoms of menopause
  • Strategies for losing post-menopausal weight

By following the lessons in The Menopausal Switch, you could lose up to 21 lbs in 21 days, according to Deborah. She shares simple strategies that cut out the noise of other diets, focusing on what works for women of a certain age.

How Does The Menopausal Switch Help with Weight Loss?

The Menopausal Switch helps you lose weight by focusing on three phases.

Each phase lasts 7 to 14 days. The three phases include:

Phase 1) The Menopausal Switch: During this first phase, you will experience your body’s ability to switch to fat burning mode. Deborah teaches you how to break your negative addiction to food and prepare your body to burn weight. During this phase, women may experience weight loss, increased energy, better sleep, and other effects.

Phase 2) The Fat Release: During this phase, your body will stop burning sugar for fuel and start burning fat. Deborah focuses on old, stored fat that sits around your organs, waist, thighs, and butt. This fat is linked to disease. By burning this fat away, you can reach your target weight as soon as possible.

Phase 3) The Butterfly Phase: Deborah describes this phase as her favorite phase. During this phase, your measurements change, your old clothes suddenly fit again, and your new clothes feel loose. You’ll feel like you’ve become a better version of yourself. Your skin starts to clear up. You have a youthful, vibrant beauty. You continue to lose weight and enjoy other benefits of the program. “

By the end of the three phases, Deborah claims you have changed and grown to become a new person. You have activated your menopause switch to beat symptoms of menopause.

How the Keto Diet Works

Deborah is a big fan of the keto diet. She has previously published dedicated guides to the keto diet – including The Ketogenic Switch, a program with information similar to The Menopausal Switch.

In The Menopausal Switch, Deborah has adapted her keto diet tips for women with menopause. While The Ketogenic Switch is available to anyone, The Menopausal Switch is marketed specifically to women who have menopause. If you want to lose weight while also neutralizing symptoms of menopause, then The Menopausal Switch may be the right choice for you.

Deborah customizes her advice for women with menopause, although the core keto diet remains the same.

Here’s how the keto diet works:

Your body burns carbs for energy. Carbs are the easiest type of energy for your body to access. You get carbs from the foods you eat, and your body processes these carbs to fuel your body.

If you deprive your body of carbs, then your body still needs to get energy from somewhere. This is when your body starts burning fat for energy. Your body cannot burn carbs or other simple energy sources from the food you eat, so it burns stored fat instead.

When your body is ready to start burning fat, it produces ketones. Ketones enter your bloodstream and circulate. When your blood is rich with ketones, you have officially entered a fat burning state of ketosis.

When your body is in ketosis, your body is burning fat for energy. You may feel a different type of energy when in ketosis. Some people feel more energetic, for example. Others get better long-term energy instead of short-term boosts. Your body is burning fat, losing weight, and giving you the energy you need to stay active throughout the day.

The trick to the keto diet is keeping your body in ketosis as long as possible. To do that, most keto dieters follow a low-carb, high-fat diet. By getting most of your calories from fats instead of carbs, you deprive your body of the carbs it needs for energy, forcing your body to burn fat instead.

Your body also enters ketosis when fasting. If you haven’t eaten anything for a long time, then your body needs to get fuel from somewhere. It starts burning fat for energy.

In The Menopausal Switch, you can learn how to implement the keto diet for rapid weight loss results. Deborah caters her advice to women over 40 dealing with symptoms of menopause. If you want to lose weight while following the keto diet, then The Menopausal Switch may be the right choice for you.

Scientific Evidence for The Menopausal Switch

The Menopausal Switch was created by Deborah Murtagh, a weight loss specialist. She claims the keto diet is ideal for women who want to lose the weight they gained while going through menopause.

What does science say about keto and menopause? Can the keto diet really help you lose weight while dealing with menopause? We’ll break down some studies on keto and menopause below.

First, women experience different symptoms of menopause. Some women have mild symptoms of menopause. Others have significant symptoms. Common symptoms of menopause include sleep issues, mood changes, and hot flashes. Some women also gain weight due to hormonal changes.

Because menopause changes hormones in your body, it changes how your body responds to food. Menopause changes sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone. It also decreases insulin sensitivity, making it harder for your body to use insulin efficiently. Insulin, like estrogen, is a hormone. Your body needs this hormone to balance blood sugar.

Some studies show that the keto diet can improve insulin sensitivity, giving you better control over your blood sugar – regardless of whether you have menopause. In this study, for example, researchers told participants to follow a keto diet for 12 weeks. After the study period, researchers observed significant improvements in insulin sensitivity in women with endometrial or ovarian cancer.

Because of hormonal changes, some women experience more food cravings during menopause. Menopause can make it difficult to control food cravings and appetite. When your blood sugar is imbalanced, your body could crave food in different ways. In this study, researchers told a group of 55 women to follow the keto diet for 9 weeks. At the end of the study period, researchers found that women had higher levels of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), a hormone linked to appetite. Men in that study did not experience the same increase in GLP-1 despite following the same program.

Others studies have linked the keto diet to improvements in ghrelin, a hormone linked to appetite. Imbalanced ghrelin levels can make it hard for your body to signal your brain that it’s full. The keto diet could give you better control over ghrelin, making it easier to control your appetite.

Overall, there are few studies that specifically examine the use of the keto diet in women with menopause. However, plenty of studies have validated the use of the keto diet for weight loss, hormone balance, and other effects. As more research is released, we’re learning more about how the keto diet impacts women with menopause.


The Menopausal Switch Reviews

What’s Included with The Menopausal Switch?

The Menopausal Switch includes all of the following:

The Menopausal Switch Quick Start Guide: Don’t have time to read the full text? Want to start the program immediately? The Quick Start Guide introduces you to core tenets of the program and how it works. You can discover the diet and exercise tips Deborah recommends for managing menopause, including actionable strategies to implement today. Deborah describes it as a “bird’s eye view of the program,” and it includes eight actionable tips you can implement on day 1.

The Menopausal Switch Handbook & Meal Plan: This is the main text of The Menopausal Switch. The handbook teaches you everything you need to know about Deborah’s recommended protocols for menopause. The meal plans teaches you the best foods to eat – and foods to avoid – to manage symptoms of menopause. You get delicious recipes that are cheap, simple, and easy to prepare at home. The core of the program focuses on Deborah’s three phases for weight loss, including how to start following the keto diet to eliminate symptoms of menopause while losing weight it includes step by step recipe instructions and other advice to ensure you complete the program successfully.

Personalized Food Diary: Keep track of the foods you eat with The Menopausal Switch Food Diary. This Food Diary makes it easy to track what you ate, then monitor your symptoms. Have you ever wondered why menopause symptoms seem bad on some days but not others? In many cases, it’s linked to your diet.

The 21 Day Progress Tracker: Deborah claims you can lose 21 pounds in 21 days by following her program. Your purchase of The Menopausal Switch comes with a 21 Day Progress Tracker. This tracker makes it easy to track the results of the program over the first three weeks.

10 Live Videos from Deborah Murtagh: All purchases of The Menopausal Switch come with 10 of Deborah’s most popular live videos. You get real-time insight from Deborah on managing symptoms of menopause. Deborah goes into further detail about how the program works, how to start following the program today, and what to expect over the 21 day protocol.

The Menopausal Switch Pricing

The Menopausal Switch is priced at $37.

The Menopausal Switch Reviews

You can exclusively buy the program online through After the website processes your payment, you receive immediate access to the program. The Menopausal Switch is 100% digital: there are no physical products, printed books, or other materials included with your purchase. Because it’s all digital, you receive immediate access after the website processes your payment.

The sales page has an upsell for Deborah’s Mindset Meditation Toolkit. This toolkit is priced at $9. It’s an audio file where Deborah shares additional tips for taking back control of your mind, beliefs, and weight. Weight loss isn’t just about eating right: it’s about teaching your mind to change its relationship with food. Deborah explains how to do that in her Mindset Meditation Toolkit.

The Menopausal Switch Refund Policy

The Menopausal Switch is backed by a 60 day refund policy. You can request a complete refund on The Menopausal Switch within 60 days of your purchase.

If you’re unsatisfied with the results of The Menopausal Switch for any reason, or if you did not lose weight after following the program, then you are entitled to a complete refund. Because the program is digital, you don’t need to return anything to receive a refund.

Who is Deborah Murtagh?

The Menopausal Switch was created by a New Zealand-based health coach named Deborah Murtagh. Deborah is the founder of Whole Foods Secrets Nutrition and Cookery. She is also part of the NZ Guild of Food Writers.

The Menopausal Switch Reviews

Deborah is a published writer and the author of 15 eBooks. She also hosts live events and international retreats. She has been featured in documentaries like Pill or Perception, where she shared her weight loss advice with the world.

The Menopausal Switch Reviews

At her official website, Deborah describes herself as “one of the world’s leading mind-before-body weight loss coaches.” Today, she wants to help anyone improve their health and change their life.

Deborah has launched several programs. Other notable programs from Deborah have included Metabolic Mindset Training, the 30 Days One Dress Size Challenge, The Ketogenic Switch (TKS), and Deborah Murtagh’s Healthy Kitchen, among other products.

You can contact Deborah Murtagh and the TKS Media team via the following:


Final Word

The Menopausal Switch is a weight loss guide marketed to women with menopause who want to help detoxify their bodies, lose weight, and enjoy other benefits.

By following the lessons in The Menopausal Switch, you can purportedly lose weight by following a keto diet. The program is led by Deborah Murtagh, a weight loss coach from New Zealand dedicated to helping women find the best version of themselves.

To learn more about The Menopausal Switch and how it works, visit the official website at

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Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.