David Hogg catches heat for election law gaffe at Michael Moore’s film premiere

Michael Moore—the well-known, left-wing filmmaker—is on a press tour right now to promote his newest activist artwork, the documentary film Fahrenheit 11/9. The film’s title, a reference to the date President Donald Trump was elected, is also a play on Moore’s highest grossing film Fahrenheit 9/11, which was released during the George W. Bush’s presidency.

At the Toronto International Film Festival late last week, he was joined onstage by David Hogg, one of the survivors of the Parkland, Florida, shooting.

Hogg, who recently turned 18, took the stage to cheers and began a short speech for the crowd.

“I have a question for you guys,” he said. “Who is ready to save America?” He went on to talk about racial inequality and voting rights, before addressing the crowd directly, making a gaffe about basic election law.

“I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the U.S.,” he said, looking to Moore for confirmation. Moore shook his head, taking the mic a moment later to correct the young man. Moore, seasoned speaker that he is, quickly got things back on track and let Hogg continue. The moment passed, though the young activist is already receiving heat for his misstep.

Following his mistake, Hogg went on to encourage Canadians to vote and criticized the IRS for refusing to audit the president, whom he says “likely got $30 million from Russia via the NRA.”

The film, which is set to be released Sept. 21, is a critical look at the Trump presidency. It will address the danger that Moore says Trump presents and features interviews from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Roger Stone, and Emma Gonzalez, another survivor of the Parklandshooting.

H/T Daily Mail