Golden Retriever Gives Gentlest Cuddles To Abused Rescue Pony.

There’s nothing sweet Molly can do about whatever traumas Sammy faced in his previous life. But now that he’s on the road to recovery, Molly knows what she can do: Be a friend.

Golden retrievers are known as the ambassadors of the dog world, and with spirits as gentle as their mouths, just having them around is enough to lift anyone’s spirits. They’re always eager to please and make new friends, but not just with humans. Molly, a three-year-old golden retriever, greets all the new arrivals at Carolina Equine Rescue & Assistance (CERA) with equal gusto.


The Wingate, North Carolina, organization has been taking in abandoned, abused and neglected equines for the last decade, and since many of them come from dismal situations, Molly wants them to know they’re safe now, and she’ll do whatever she can to help them settle in.

molly snuggling with mini

“It’s nice to come to a place like this and see horses that have not had the best life and see how they can progress,” said Jessica Mangum, one of the organization’s supporters.

new horses arrive

With most of the rescues, Molly has to rear up on her hind legs to give them a welcoming kiss, so she has a real soft spot for any miniature horses that make their way there. And thanks to a Facebook post earlier this month that’s since gone viral, we get to witness some of that TLC in action.

darlene and sammy

One of the newer residents, Sammy, is a miniature horse who was in such bad shape when he arrived that CERA founder Darlene Kindle was told he should be euthanized. But he’s steadily gaining weight, his coat is getting back some of its shine, and recent tests showed his kidneys and liver are functioning.

So physically, he’s doing better. But emotionally, he’s still traumatized. And that’s where Molly comes in.

sammy and molly

Darlene posted the video below a couple weeks ago, initially without a caption or any other explanation. But once it went viral, she added some background:

(Molly) especially loves the minis (because) she can reach them much easier. Sammy the mini that she is comforting just came into CERA’s program. He is nothing but skin and bones and scared. Molly truly has an exceptional sense of knowing when one of the animals doesn’t feel good or sad. So she very gently introduces herself. This is her job and she is very good at it as you can see.

We’re so glad this tender moment was captured on camera for everyone to see. More than 2,000 viewers have commented on it, but this is among our favorites:

molly and sammy fb quote

Right?! Watch Molly work her magic in the clip below, and share to spread the word: Sometimes, just being there for people is all they need.

Hey everyone. I have to tell all of you never in a million years did I expect this little video to have so much popularity. I just put it out there with no caption so let me add a little background to this. This is Molly my 3 year old golden retriever who was a gift from my dad. She is my second golden and I just love their personalities. Always happy and Molly is your typical Walmart greater. She loves everyone including all the animals we have on the farm. She especially loves the minis she can reach them much easier. Sammy the mini that she is comforting just came into CERA’s program. He is nothing but skin and bones and scared. Molly truly has an exceptional sense of knowing when one of the animals doesn’t feel good or sad. So she very gently introduces herself. This is her job and she is very good at it as you can see. Please follow Sammy’s progress on our Carolina Equine Rescue & Assistance page. Sammy has a long ride of rehab to go and I will keep everyone informed.

Posted by Carolina Equine Rescue & Assistance on Monday, August 6, 2018