President Trump Wants to End Birthright Citizenship With Executive Order

Trump’s ‘I understand college’ defense of Kavanaugh makes no sense

President Trump said he was preparing an executive order to end birthright citizenship in the United States, his latest attention-grabbing maneuver days before midterm congressional elections, during which he has sought to activate his base by vowing to clamp down on immigrants and immigration. “We’re the only country in the world where a person comes … Read more

DACA renewals cost $495—and GoFundMe is making it easier to raise those funds

DACA renewals cost $495—and GoFundMe is making it easier to raise those funds

As multiple national lawsuits attempt to either dissolve the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or bring it back to its original purpose of protecting undocumented youth brought to the U.S. as children, DACA recipients themselves are preparing for the worst. Undocumented people who’ve never had DACA aren’t currently allowed to apply, but people … Read more