Maternity Leave: How Long Does It Last Around The World

Maternity Leave: How Long Does It Last Around The World

According to psychologist and pediatricians, it’s really important for parents to communicate with their newborns and spend as much time as possible with them in the first months after they are born. The governments of most countries support this opinion, and they let moms (somewhere dads too) take maternity leave. The length of this leave, … Read more

Russian blogger faces jail time for posting feminist memes

Russian blogger faces jail time for posting feminist memes

The same laws used to imprison the activist musicians of Pussy Riot in Russia are being used to pursue charges regarding posts made by a female blogger, who could face jail time as a consequence. Lyobov Kalugina, a 31-year-old who resides in the Siberian city Omsk, said she’s facing charges regarding posts that she made on Russian … Read more

Park Bench Keeps Getting Broken In The Night So Officials Set Up A Camera And Wait

Park Bench Keeps Getting Broken In The Night So Officials Set Up A Camera And Wait

Nature is full of surprises. No matter how knowledgeable you are about the natural world, and no matter how much of it you think you’ve seen, it can always throw a curveball your way. One thing that also gets overlooked about nature is how funny it can be. Just look at what happened to the workers … Read more

Russian Boy Claiming He’s From Mars Issues Apocalyptic Warning That Makes Experts Uneasy

Russian Boy Claiming He’s From Mars Issues Apocalyptic Warning That Makes Experts Uneasy

We’ve all wondered about life on other planets. It’s easy to think about the unending vastness of space above us and feel like there just has to be someone or something else living out there, but we usually label these thoughts as science fiction. However, in the last two decades, one special kid from Russia … Read more