This Slow #Cooker #Sweet #Potato #Casserole Sounds #Delicious And So #Easy To Make

This Slow #Cooker #Sweet #Potato #Casserole Sounds #Delicious And So #Easy To Make

Since 1917, home cooks have been adding marshmallows to their sweet potato dishes during the Thanksgiving season. It all started when marshmallow company Angelus Marshmallows hired a cook to help them develop a recipe which would encourage housewives to use marshmallow in their recipes on a more regular basis. Clever marketing gimmick or not, sweet … Read more

This No-Bake #Pumpkin Pie #Recipe Will Free Up Space In Your Oven During The #Holidays

This No-Bake #Pumpkin Pie #Recipe Will Free Up Space In Your Oven During The #Holidays

Yum! You can whip this up in just 10 minutes. Pumpkin pie doesn’t technically rank as the most popular pie for Thanksgiving dinner — that honor goes to apple pie. But pumpkin pie is still a seasonal staple in many homes across America, and some people can’t imagine Thanksgiving without it. Baking a pie from scratch is … Read more