Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.

Dad Waves At Son’s School Bus In Costume For 3 Yrs

Some dads know how to take trolling their kids to a whole new level.

When Rain Price of American Fork, Utah was 16, he was nervous about riding the school bus on the first day of his sophomore year in high school. As he boarded the bus, his dad, Dale Price, gave him a cheerful wave from the family’s front doorway. Being a teenager, this simple act of friendly parenting was mortifying! When he got home from school, he asked his mom, Rochelle Price, to tell Dad to stop waving at him as he headed off to school each day.

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.
Wave at the Bus

Big mistake.

Dale, being the incorrigible type, decided not only to continue to wave his son off to school each day, but to do so in style. Dale started putting on elaborate costumes every single morning so that he could truly embarrass his offspring with that early morning wave.

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.
Wave at the Bus

Each day’s costume was more incredible than the last, ranging from simple Halloween-style get-ups like a sheet ghost, witch, and the like, to more elaborate costumes like a mermaid or Pocahontas.

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.
Wave at the Bus

Dale kept this up for 170 days — the entire school year.

Rain’s embarrassment soon turned to amusement as all of the kids on the bus and neighbors started noticing Dale’s morning ritual. Dale quickly became known as the “Wave At The Bus Dad,” and Rochelle even started a blog to memorialize each of his morning wave outfits.

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.
Wave at the Bus

“When he did it the first day I was in shock. You don’t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress, waving at you on the bus,” Rain stated.

“I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life,” Dale replied.

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.
Wave at the Bus

Dale claims to have only spent about $50 on the entire first year of costumes. He used leftover Halloween items for most of his outfits, and soon friends and neighbors were contributing their old costumes to his effort as well.

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.
Wave at the Bus

Dale’s first year of waving at the bus was such a big hit, he even continued doing it for three years. See kids? Be careful what you ask of your parents!

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.
Wave at the Bus

The entire Price family seems like a lot of fun. They all really get into Halloween, so it makes sense that dressing up would be the first thing that popped into Dale’s mind when he wanted to embarrass Rain.

Dad Hilariously Trolls Son Who Called His Waving Embarrassing— For 3 Straight Yrs.

After 3 years of hilarity, Dale hung up his waving at the bus ritual when Rain headed off to college. These days, Rain is 19 and is a LDS missionary in Liberia, West Africa. (And he’s still careful of what favors he asks of his dad.)

We do love a family with a great sense of humor!

If you know someone who would do this to their kids, be sure to share this story!