The Little-Known ‘Star Wars’ Film That George Lucas Doesn’t Want People To See

The Little-Known 'Star Wars' Film That George Lucas Doesn't Want People To See

The Star Wars fanbase has experienced some rough years. Let’s not forget about the prequel era from 1999-2005 when the world was simultaneously introduced to Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan and Jar Jar Binks. Though many criticize this period as being one of Star Wars’ lowest, there’s an even older movie that George Lucas himself … Read more

Bill Hader Says He Will Not Sign ‘Star Wars’ Merchandise: “Autograph People Don’t Like Me”

Bill Hader Says He Will Not Sign ‘Star Wars’ Merchandise “Autograph People Don’t Like Me”

Bill Hader is opening up about what initially led him to stop giving autographs on Star Wars merchandise. The Barry actor, who is credited as a voice consultant for droid BB-8 with comedian Ben Schwartz in 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens, told Josh Horowitz on a recent episode of the Happy Sad Confused podcast that “Autograph people don’t like me. I won’t sign … Read more

Someone Calculated What It Would Cost To Build Hogwarts — And It’s Not Cheap

Someone Calculated What It Would Cost To Build Hogwarts — And It’s Not Cheap

Whoa! That’s more than we expected. If you’ve ever dreamed of being admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the cost of attending is probably the last thing on your mind. I mean, come on, it’s not every day a regular ‘ol muggle gets accepted to Hogwarts! You may not know, however, that, according to a Tweet from … Read more

Chuck Wendig says he was fired from Marvel for getting too political on Twitter

Chuck Wendig says he was fired from Marvel for getting too political on Twitter

Lucasfilm Publishing announced at New York Comic Con last week that bestselling author Chuck Wendig (who’s best known for the Aftermath trilogy) was writing a Shadow of Vader miniseriesfor Marvel Comics. But less than a week later, Wendig revealed that he was kicked off the Star Wars project due to the “negativity and vulgarity” that results from Wendig’s Twitter account. Wendig made the announcement on Twitter Friday … Read more

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer

When you’re a kid, your bedroom is important. After all, in a world usually controlled by grownups, it’s the one place that you can make entirely your own. That’s why these two dads went all out to make their kid’s beds — and bedrooms — special.

These dads wanted to connect with their sons and build something they would appreciate forever. So, after thinking about what they bonded with their kids over, these parents went to their respective hardware stores and started working on something their children would never forget.

A new father going by the Imgur username GlockTwentyThree (GTT) faced a dilemma in 2016: his little boy Jack had grown too big for his crib. This dad wanted his son’s first bed to be special…

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
Made by Katy

The dad knew Jack loved trains — especially steam locomotives. Of course, getting his son a boxcar to sleep in was out of the question. But maybe, the father thought, he could build something.

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer

So dad went to the hardware store and picked up the supplies he needed to build the perfect first bed: wood boards, plywood sheets, and more. Then, he went to work.

GTT chronicled the build on imgur, detailing the sizes of each plank of wood: “For the frame, I used two 84″ 2x4s and two 37.5″ 2x4s to give a rectangular size of 39″x84″,” he wrote…

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
GlockTwentyThree / Imgur

Meanwhile, he “used a Minwax Espresso stain for the entire project. I didn’t stain the middle of the plywood since the mattress covers it. I only stained the edges.” That’s cost effective!

GlockTwentyThree / Imgur

In December of 2016, GTT finished the train! Jack loved it, but the perfectionist dad wasn’t satisfied — there were a couple of major elements missing.

GlockTwentyThree / Imgur

How could he live with himself, he thought, if his son slept in a train bed without a locomotive’s iconic cattle catcher? Similarly, the train lacked a personalized touch. So a year later, he grabbed his tools again.

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
rankinnancy / Flickr

Along the top headboard, GTT stenciled on the locomotive’s name: The Jack Steam Express! After adding a train number to the side, he went to work on the cattle catcher…

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
GlockTwentyThree / Imgur

“It would have been easier to make [the cattle catcher] 90 degrees,” GTT wrote. “But for the extra 30 minutes…was worth it to make it look better.” Jack, meanwhile, appreciated the name of the train!

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
GlockTwentyThree / Imgur

Finally, in November 2017, GTT finished the Jack Steam Express — no doubt, that smile was worth all dad’s time and effort! That’s why other dads, like Imgur user Dericrw, tried their hands at bed craftsmanship, too…

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
GlockTwentyThree / Imgur

Dericrw faced the same dilemma as GTT: his son needed a new bed. Instead of pulling something off the shelves at Bed, Bath, & Beyond, however, he wanted the bed to be special.

Like GTT, Dericrw thought about what he and his son enjoyed together. The answer? Star Wars. The dad had passed his own interest in the iconic franchise onto his son — but could he incorporate that into a bed?

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer

Dericrw envisioned a bed that looked like it had been pulled right out of a galaxy far, far away, and he had the carpentry knowledge to do something truly impressive. He started with a wall-mounted frame…

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
Dericrw / Imgur

Dericrw was far more tight-lipped that GTT on his bed making process, but he nevertheless chronicled most of the build with photos. By the looks of it, his lucky son lent a helping hand, too.

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
Dericrw / Imgur

After some time, he had the basic shape of the bed built and mounted on the bedroom all, but a lot of work remained. Can any Star Wars lovers out there guess what he was making?

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
Dericrw / Imgur

Next, Dericrw performed a little DIY magic (i.e. he didn’t photograph any of the steps between hanging the frame and the finished product). The end result, though, blew everyone away.

Take a look at that! Dericrw built the cockpit of Han Solo’s ship, The Millennium Falcon, using a mural to complete the whole ship. But the most impressive part was probably inside…

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
Dericrw / Imgur

Sure, knobs, buttons, and dials didn’t pepper the inside of the ship (and it was probably missing light speed capabilities)! But the lighting delivered the authentic Star Wars feel. And outside the cockpit?

Dericrw / Imgur

Dericrw fully stocked the room with Star Wars gadgets, from lightsabers to toys guns. By the looks of it, you could call Dericrw’s son a scruffy-looking Nerf gun hoarder! And that TV?

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
Dericrw / Imgur

Because of the way Dericrw positioned the cockpit door, his son could watch that TV while laying down in bed. For a kid, it doesn’t get much better than that.

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
Dericrw / Imgur

Dericrw and Glock ThirtyThree built their sons special childhood beds the boys would never forget, but most importantly, they used the beds as a way to strengthen their connections with their sons. Very cool!

Son Tells Dad About His Dream So Dad Goes Downstairs And Picks Up A Hammer
These young men will never forget the work their dads put into these bedrooms. What would your childhood dream bed look like?

Share these childhood beds with your friends below!

Study finds bots and political trolls largely fueled the ‘Last Jedi’ backlash

Study finds bots and political trolls largely fueled the ‘Last Jedi’ backlash

Major franchise films like Marvel, DC Comics, and Star Wars are known for getting strong reactions from fans no matter how they felt about it, but there was a level of vitriol attached to the backlash against The Last Jedi, the kind you might see on the political field. As it turns out, that’s probably not a coincidence. A new … Read more

‘Star Wars Resistance’ voice actress gets slammed for imitating Christine Blasey Ford

‘Star Wars Resistance’ voice actress gets slammed for imitating Christine Blasey Ford

Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee has captivated the country, but it’s also been met with derision and pushback. In one case, an actress’ imitation of Ford has been interpreted by many as mockery. Voice actress Rachel Butera portrays Leia Organa on Star Wars Resistance, Disney’s upcoming animated prequel to The Force Awakens, and fans heard her for … Read more